Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Patience of Job?

We told our church friends we were expecting our bub in the context of a short message and video I gave at Sunday night church, which I've posted here if you care to have a look & listen.

The message was entitled "The Patience of Job?" and centers around insights I gained reading the book of Job after I'd had a miscarriage and my body went a little haywire such that we weren't sure we'd be able to have kids.

I'm no professional speaker, of course, so just try to listen fast - I do tend to speak quickly.

P.S. I recommend listening to the audio first, as it lays the groundwork for, and introduces the video.

"The Patience of Job?" Audio

1 comment:

Pen to Paper; Spirit to Soul said...

Awesome testimony...thank you for sharing!!! We could not see the video, however...those type don't work for me! (blogger video)

We are so excited for y'all and know that God has awesome things in store for your family!!!

Love ya, Pamela